Board Packet for August 2022 Meeting

CAT Board Agenda


August 22, 2022

6:00 PM - 8:00 PM

6:00 Welcome

Board role: Agenda approval and ground rules review

*6:05 Approval of June and July 2022 minutes

6:10 Board introductions. check-ins and staff introductions

Check-in Question: Describe your summer celebration.

6:15 Review CAT Policy proposal State and polling results

*Board Role: Listen, discussion, vote to approve policy direction

7:00 BREAK ……..5 min

7:05 National Tenant Bill of Rights and Here is the link to the details.

*Board Role: Listen, discussion, vote to approve policy direction

7:15 Reform of City of Portland Commission Government

*Board Role: Listen, discussion, vote to approve policy direction

7:25 Preparation for Annual Meeting and Board Elections

Board Role: Listen and offer input to the planning actions

7:35 Staff reports Tenant Education, Communications, Membership, Organizing,

Administration/Budget, Advocacy

Board role: Listen, ask questions

8:00 Adjourn

*These are action items

Fritz Richard