Board Packet for July Meeting

*6:00 Welcome, agenda approval and ground rules review

*6:05 Approval of June 28.2021 minutes

6:10 Board check‐ins and staff introductions and program updates

Check‐in Question: What did you do in the heat wave?

6:15 Board Election – Misha Hernandez

Board Role: Listen, ask questions, vote to approve or disapprove appointment.

Ask questions:

1. Tell us about your relevant experience, i.e. organizing, board, or anything you feel is


2. What is your housing situation?

3. What would you like to accomplish with CAT?

*Vote to approve adding board member. (CAT Board Members are affirmed at the annual

board meeting in October)

6:30 Discussion of Finance Report‐ Elaine Zevenbergen

*Board Role:

 *Vote to approve the budget (Note, this budget includes assumptions about pay

increases to be negotiated with the Union.)

7:00 Discussion of the strategic plan proposal.

*Board Role: Review, amend and approve the Strategic Plan proposal.

7:30 Department and Program Highlights ‐Education, Communications, Organizing.

Board role: Review and ask questions discuss

 *Approve planning of Board/Staff retreat and Annual Member meeting in October

7:45 CAT Members for CLU discussion of May 19th and June 19 member to member meeting.

Board Role: Discussion and possible adoption of recommendations.

8:00 Adjourn

*These are action items

Donovan Scribes