CAT Letter to CLU 10.18

Dear Cat Labor Union (CLU), CAT Staff, CAT Board, CAT Members, and CWA,

We also feel your understandable frustration with the amount of time it is taking to finalize a Collective Bargaining Agreement. However, the time it takes is not uncommon nor unreasonable given the evolution of this process. We are committed to taking the time until the process reaches its conclusion just as we are committed to being unionized.

A summary of article exchanges to date shows we are making progress. By our count, there have been nine tentative agreements. CLU is waiting on a response to 15 articles and CAT is waiting on a response to 11 articles. CLU has presented approximately 34 articles and plans to offer more at the next bargaining session October 27th. Nine of the articles, over 25 % of the CBA, were newly presented by CLU on September 22, 2021. It will take time to review this number of articles and offer reasoned replies. We acknowledge that our differences over the Ground rules also contributed to delays but those have been agreed to now, and we welcome your solutions to further expedite the process. Below are some of the solutions we have offered, and will restate, in case any warrant revisiting.

CAT’s offers to expedite the process:

  • Prior to bargaining CAT created a committee to review the current personnel policies and offered to hire a consultant to help.

  • CAT offered to have an attorney to guide us at the bargaining table which was met with resistance. CAT has asked for reasons or alternatives and has not been offered a reply.

  • CAT suggested limiting the number of people at the bargaining table who are not knowledgeable about the topics being discussed, to make best use of the time.

  • CAT asked CLU to apply with CAT for a federal mediator because this service is free. CLU declined.

  • CAT offered to pay for a non-federal mediator. CLU declined.

  • CAT has offered to meet for longer sessions and evening sessions. Currently we are meeting approximately two hours per month.

  • CAT has asked for an example of Collective Bargaining Agreements that CWA has agreed to with other organizations, to help us anticipate what will be proposed.

  • CAT has often shared in advance the topics it will be bringing to help CLU prepare.

  • CAT has shared most of its articles in 2020 and asks that CLU conclude adding articles.

  • CAT suggests limiting the number of non-economic proposals.

  • CAT suggests more frequent, direct communication and utilization of CLU’s designated representative.


CAT Bargaining Committee:

Kim McCarty

Dung Ho

Elaine Zevenbergen

Meg Olson