Affordable Housing Units Available in Justin Buri Building

Help us spread the word - at this time there are Studio and One Bedroom affordable housing units available in the newly opened Buri Building. They are currently offering a move-in special until November 30th: the first full month of rent is free and only half the security deposit will be due.

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Justin Buri was a tenant leader and housing justice advocate who began his journey with CAT in 2009 as a volunteer, helping Oregon's tenants navigate the very difficult world of learning and standing up for our rights and responsibilities as tenants in Oregon; Justin served on the Board of CAT and then joined the staff as CAT's Deputy Director, eventually becoming CAT's Executive Director.

Justin helped champion historic changes in landlord-tenant law ranging from making it illegal to discriminate against Housing Choice Voucher recipients, increasing the notice period for tenants living in their homes longer than one year from 30 days to 60 days, advocating for Portland's current Enhanced Inspections program, to leading the charge on declaring Oregon's current #RenterStateofEmergency, the ripple effects and fruits of which we are still seeing today.

Justin helped champion historic changes in landlord-tenant law ranging from making it illegal to discriminate against Housing Choice Voucher recipients, increasing the notice period for tenants living in their homes longer than one year from 30 days to 60 days, advocating for Portland's current Enhanced Inspections program, to leading the charge on declaring Oregon's current #RenterStateofEmergency, the ripple effects and fruits of which we are still seeing today.

Justin was instrumental in lifting the voices and experiences of the most-impacted tenants to our policymakers at local, regional, state, and national levels. The Justin Buri Tenant Leadership Fund was created to pay tribute to and further the work of a very dear friend, colleague, and fearless leader in our community. This fund is used to cover the costs of leadership development and advocacy for low-income tenants including paying for practical and important accessibility to advocacy opportunities - for example -childcare, interpretation services, transportation, lost wages, food.  

Donations to the Justin Buri Tenant Leadership Fund can be made here.