CAT's Cyber Week of Action

Since the pandemic hit, tenants have been scrambling to keep up with the rent. So far, the state of Oregon has extended the eviction moratorium and repayment period twice since March--each time waiting until the final two days before continuing this emergency protection. Rent assistance and emergency financial assistance has been offered, but nowhere near the amount we need.

The current eviction moratorium expires on December 31st. Legislators need to convene a special session soon and take real action for renters. Extending deadlines is just kicking the can down the road – in the end, we will have piled up rent debt and landlords ready to evict.

Starting with Cyber Monday, we are instituting our first Cyber Week of Action

Cyber Monday

Start the week off with a letter to your legislators! Click below to instantly send a letter to your legislator telling them that we need stability in and beyond the pandemic. We want to raise up the voices and stories of renters from around the state, so you can personalize the letter by including your own story.

What Do We Want Wednesday

Share your story! Share a photo of your daily experience as a renter and share your story with the #RenterLife. Tag your local representatives (find out who they are here) and the Community Alliance of Tenants to help spread the word: real lives are affected by this pandemic and legislators must take action.

Tenant Power Friday

To end the week off, let’s make sure Senate President Peter Courtney got the message. Give him a quick call and tell him Oregonians need him to sign on to a special session soon to extend the eviction moratorium and pass needed protections for renters!

Senate President Peter Courtney - (503) 986-1600

“Hi my name is _________ and I’m an Oregon renter or low-income homeowner. As Senate President, please take seriously your responsibility to Oregon’s renters and low-income homeowners to take action before the eviction moratorium expires this month. [Insert short story of how you have been impacted during the pandemic] Please make keeping Oregon’s families housed a priority.”

Tenant Justice Tuesday

Call Governor Kate Brown and/or Speaker Tina Kotek and tell them it is imperative they convene a special session soon, extend the eviction moratorium, and take action to protect renters! We’ve included an easy script to use below -

Kate Brown - (503) 378-4582

Tina Kotek - (503) 986-1200 AND (503) 286-0558

“Hi my name is _________ and I’m an Oregon renter or low-income homeowner. We need a special session as soon as possible to extend the eviction and foreclosure moratorium and pass needed housing protections statewide! [Insert short story of how you have been impacted during the pandemic] Please make keeping Oregon’s families housed a priority.”

Housing Committee Thursday

Time to talk to members of the Housing Committee and let them know they have a job to do. Look up your local legislators using this tool. Is one of your representatives listed below? Call them and tell them it’s time to get to work to protect Oregon renters. Don’t see your representatives on there? Pick two you’ve heard of and give them a call!

Housing Committee Members:

Senate Housing Committee Members:

Shemia Fagan - (503) 986-1724 (Chair)

Denyc Boles - (503) 986-1710 (Vice-Chair)

Jeff Golden - (503) 986-1703  (Member)

Alan Olsen - (503) 986-1720 AND (503) 266-4599 (Member)

Lawmakers need to hear from each and every one of us this week.