Important Info for Tenants on Eviction and Assistance
Oregon Tenants: we know there is a lot of confusion right now about evictions and assistance. We've collaborated with our partners at the Oregon Law Center and Legal Aid Services of Oregon and we are working to make sure we have timely updates for you as they come.
For now, there are two main things you need to know:
1. Apply for emergency rental assistance (link below) and get confirmation that you've applied. Do not wait for an eviction notice to apply. Apply now.
2. You do not need to share the confirmation with your landlord until you are given notice. We suggest sharing the confirmation with your landlord once they have given you a termination notice to avoid receiving an eviction court summons
SB 282 and SB 278 are currently the most protective for Oregon residents. CAT has several webinar recordings which cover SB 282, SB 278, CDC Evictions Moratorium, and Oregon Emergency Rental Assistance Program available on our Facebook page.