Board Packet for June Meeting 2022

CAT Board Agenda


June 27, 2022

6:00 PM - 8:00 PM

6:00 Welcome

• Board role: Agenda approval and ground rules review

6:05 Approval of May 2022 minutes

6:10 Board introductions. check-ins and staff introductions

• Check-in Question: Describe something that you have made.

6:15 Presentation of CAT Racial Equity Assessment by Ruby Joy White

• Board Role: Listen and ask clarifying questions about the process. The longer discussion will happen in July.

6:30 Review CAT Budget proposal and key budget decisions regarding positions, operations, insurance, and wages.

• Board Role: Listen, discussion

7:00 BREAK – 5 min

7:05 Budget Discussion

• Board Role: Ask questions and approve the FY 2022-2023 budget

8:00 Adjourn

• These are action items

“Pride is a time to celebrate the LGBTQ+community and be proud of living openly and authentically. But this year we cannot ignore the mounting attacks against our community.

Powerful people are bullying LGBTQ+ kids and threatening our rights—dozens of states have passed bills to silence and erase us.

Let’s show them that WE WON’T HIDE OUR PRIDE!”

Fritz Richard