Time is Running Out to Vote for Tenant Power in Multnomah County’s Special Election

Did you know there’s another election coming up in Multnomah County? Yep, it’s happening May 16th, where you’ll get to decide school board members, a new county commissioner and a critical ballot measure to keep Oregonians housed, Measure 26-283, Eviction Representation for All. This ballot measure will ensure that every person who lands in eviction court has legal representation, helping balance the playing field for Tenants, and it comes as a nominal tax to the wealthiest people living in Multnomah County.

Sounds like a good thing right? No, it’s a great thing. But time is running out to be eligible to vote. You have until April 25th at 11:59pm to register to vote in the upcoming May 16th election. The good news, is it takes just minutes. You can do it now online at oregonvotes.gov/register , or you can pop into the Multnomah County elections office at 1040 SE Morison Street, Portland, OR and register there.

This measure is facing mounting opposition from powerful interests, and we know special elections like this have lower turnouts than when say a Governor or President is on the ballot, but these ones matter just as much. 30,000 people submitted their signatures to get Eviction Representation for All on the ballot - now let’s push through and get it passed on May 16th!

Donovan Scribes