CAT Makes Demands of Governor in Virtual Face-to-Face

In a virtual sit-down with CAT membership from across the state, November 16th, 2021 our membership made a number of policy demands of Governor Kate Brown as Tenant Protections continue to wain for Oregonians and evictions spike:

  • A moratorium on evictions, including no-cause evictions, for all Oregon tenants until June of 2023

  • Reduce annual rent increases to 3% + CPI (from 7 % + CPI) at least until 2023 or until the Oregon / U.S.  economy stabilizes from this inflationary period.

  • Use a State funding resource as a bridge until more federal rent assistance is offered.

  • Impose a penalty on landlords who threaten eviction or evict tenants during the moratorium, allowing tenants to sue for 3x rent.

  • Provide compensation to evicted tenants  for non-payment to cover the cost of moving, deposits, items lost in eviction etc.

  • Using  low barrier attestation as the primary method for all applicants for rental assistance, reducing complications and moving money out the door quickly. 

  • Resolve to create a permanent housing safety net system

To voice your support of these demands, visit and write your elected state officials now, demanding they pass these protections now!

Donovan Scribes